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Park Street School would not exist without our fabulous parents! From the very beginning, parents have generously given tremendous numbers of hours, energy, and resources to support the growth and development of our school. In the fall of 2010, our partnership with our parents was formalized with the launching of the Park Street School Parent Association (PA).
Parents are welcome to and encouraged to volunteer at Park Street School. Volunteer opportunities range from being committee leads who oversee particular events to spending several hours a week on an ongoing basis or just a few hours on a project. There is something for everyone who is interested in getting involved with supporting our school.
The PA’s purpose is to support the stated mission and core values of Park Street School on behalf of its parents. The PA works hard to promote a sense of community, helps to organize school-wide events in partnership with the administration, and serves as a communication channel between parents, administration, and faculty.
Park Street School’s PA Officers consist of a president and vice president at our Preschool, a vice president at our Elementary School, a secretary, and a treasurer.