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Park Street School Preschool students visit the gym or go outside every day they are in school. While there, they engage in games such as “Fishy, Fishy, Cross My Ocean,” “Duck, Duck, Goose,” or even hockey. They ride bikes, scooters, kick and catch balls, learn to throw basketballs into a hoop, dance, play tag, race, walk a balance beam, play hockey, complete obstacle courses, and do many activities that encourage gross-motor development, balance, general movement, and agility. We love our time in the gym and at the Frog Pond playground!
Elementary school students have athletics twice per week. They learn basic skills necessary for many sports activities; utilize equipment for upper and lower body strength as well as coordination; develop sportsmanship and play a variety of team sports throughout the year including soccer, football, badminton, handball, hockey, basketball, baseball, volleyball, and lacrosse, and learn individual skills through dance, and track and field.
After school elementary school students can continue to foster their love of certain sports by joining teams/clubs that provide them with opportunities to compete and practice skills in volleyball, Futsal, running, skating, football, soccer, basketball, and more.