What makes a leader? While you may think it entails speaking ability and taking initiative, both of which we teach, we believe leadership starts with character development.
At Park Street School, we seek to recognize the God-given gifts of each child in order to intentionally cultivate and encourage his or her unique development in key areas — academic, spiritual, social-emotional, and physical. Our caring, yet challenging learning environment, produces leaders of influence who exemplify character through responsible behavior, empathy, collaboration, and perseverance.
Confidence is built over time and with opportunity. At a young age we start engaging students in public speaking. By the time our sixth graders graduate, they are poised, confident, and resilient.
Public speaking opportunities include:
We provide many opportunities to mentor, encourage, and teach the younger students. They include reading to our younger Reading Buddies, designing games for kindergartners, and figuring out activities for a science lesson for first graders. These activities entail creating, trying out, regrouping, redesigning, and trying again. Along the way, we develop resilience and perseverance.
Each year, our classes brainstorm and select an organization to support and serve for the year. From visiting older residents, to collecting school supplies or books for those in need, we cultivate empathy and learn to reach out beyond ourselves. We learn how to express appreciation to those in our community who help and serve us.