Join Park Street School As Together We Celebrate Our 25th Anniversary! Learn More
Park Street School, like other leading Boston schools including Boston Latin, Boston College, and Harvard University, was founded and established by Christians seeking to provide an excellent education. Our faith in Jesus Christ is our cornerstone. From this foundation, we seek to provide an environment of respect, balance, and fairness regarding faith and its questions.
There are five places you might see visible signs of our Christian faith expressed: our school chapel, community life, learning from the Bible, the development of character, and having a heart for others.
Once or twice per month, students and teachers gather to sing and to hear a Bible story explained by a guest speaker. Chapel focuses on a theme, which invites students to learn more about God and reflect on important questions. Questions include what it means to be a hero and how the Bible can apply to their lives. Past themes have included: God Made Me Special; Happy Birthday, Jesus!; Unlikely Heroes of the Bible; The Greatest Story Ever Told: God’s Story; and Getting to Know God by Name.
We express gratitude in small and big ways. We ask for prayer from our friends and ask them questions or share ideas we have about God with them.
We read stories from the Bible and take part in activities that bring the featured lessons to life. Often, we integrate ideas with other classes as befits our Core Knowledge approach. Students in second grade might talk about how God wants us to treat people when studying about the “Trail of Tears” during their Westward Expansion unit. Sixth graders may compare sacred spaces when studying Ancient Greece or discuss how we can exhibit Christ-like qualities when reading about Sir Galahad, chivalry, and the knights of the Middle Ages.