Join Park Street School As Together We Celebrate Our 25th Anniversary! Learn More
Our curriculum reflects that intentionality, from adding well-written and engaging novels to particular units in the upper elementary grades to choosing a social/emotional program such as Responsive Classroom to build character development and enhance classroom management. Purpose and planning back each selection of curriculum or enhancement to existing curriculum. We desire to provide the best practices and educational resources for our students.
Our academics really come to life with the combination of the Core Knowledge philosophy, engaged learning and a caring, nurturing environment. Our curriculum is continually perfected and honed with each lesson plan. That is part of what makes Park Street School special.
From the foundations of pre-literacy and phonics in the early grades, our students grow into lovers of literature. Amazing worlds and civilizations open up to students in all grades as they read exceptional children’s literature. Hand-in-hand with our Core Knowledge curriculum with history as its centerpiece, children’s literature inspires the imagination, bringing different time periods and cultures to life along with music, drama, art and Bible, beginning at the Preschool.
We are wired for technology! Keeping it age-appropriate across the campuses, students are introduced to technology, and instructed in its usage as they advance in age. Technology tools are used and taught more formally in Grades 3-6 with a 1:1 iPad correspondence, Office365 instruction, keyboarding, digital ethics and e-mail etiquette taught. By Grade 6, our students have been encouraged to extend their character education to develop good digital citizenship.
Students’ learning is supported and enriched in the classroom, by specialists including a reading specialist, literacy instructor, and math enrichment faculty, as well as by consultants and student services including an occupational therapist and speech therapist.
Art, music, drama are integrated into units as well as enjoyed as specific classes in order for students to make connections and bring history, literature, and even Science to life. Confidence to express themselves through dramatic, visual or musical art grows and often exudes in our students! Children sing, learn the mechanics of music, become acquainted with styles of music and are introduced to instruments in Music class. Our Fine Arts program sees students creating art that exceeds their years! Performing “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” in fifth grade, or “Diary of Anne Frank” in sixth grade are just two highlights of our students’ time at Park Street School.
There is a place for you at Park Street School. The admissions team looks forward to learning about you and your family and showing you all Park Street School has to offer. A continuous education age 2 through grade 6 is available to you right in the heart of Boston. We seek to admit students from a variety of bacgrounds and families who will add richness and diveristy to our community.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. Far far away, behind the word mountains.
Olenka, the daughter of the retired collegiate assessor, Plemyanniakov, was sitting in her back porch, lost in thought. It was hot, the flies were persistent and teasing, and it was pleasant to reflect that it would soon be evening. Dark rainclouds were gathering from the east, and bringing from time to time a breath of moisture in the air.
That boy put up a fight like a welter-weight cinnamon bear; but, at last, we got him down in the bottom of the buggy and drove away. We took him up to the cave, and I hitched the horse in the cedar brake. After dark I drove the buggy to the little village, three miles away, where we had hired it, and walked back to the mountain.